24 Aralık, 2008
International Symposium, Istanbul - TURKEY, 12-16 October 2009 REVITALISING BUILT ENVIRONMENTS: Requalifying Old Places for New Uses
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that, the new web site of the International
Symposium organized by two IAPS Networks is opened on following address
www.culturespace2009.org . You will find all necessary information on the
content of the symposium. Kindly note that the deadline for submission of
abstracts is 9 January 2009. The website includes all information such as
abstract submission and registration, together with other important info about
the symposium (venues, deadlines, fees, scientific and social events,
preliminary schedule, etc.)
The symposium on 'Revitalizing Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places for
New Uses' will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from 12 to 16 October 2009. It is
jointly organized by IAPS-CSBE 'Culture & Space in the Built Environment
Network' and the IAPS - Housing Network in collaboration with Istanbul
Technical University, Faculty of Architecture; Istanbul Bahcesehir University,
Faculty of Design and Architecture; The Turkish Chamber of Architects and
YEM-The Building Information Centre.
We would very appreciate if you can distribute this information among
your collegues and other potential symposium potential participants.
Please, find enclosed the symposium leaflets that can be sent to them
with this information and/or printed and used to promote the symposium under
other occasions.
We look forward to your valuable participation.
Best Regards,
Member of Steering committee
Prof.Dr. Hülya Turgut Yıldız, IAPS-CSBE Network, co-ordinator
Istanbul Technical University,Faculty of Archıtecture, Istanbul-Turkey
For any further question you can contact the Scientific Secretariat
Dr. Göksenin Inalhan, symposium secretary
ITU,Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture,
Taskisla, Taksim, 34437, Istanbul, Türkiye
Symposium website: www.culturespace2009.org
e-mail: info@culturespace2009.org
Fax: +90 212 244 92 43
19 Kasım, 2008
Endless City

Launched in March 2008 the book Endless City showing the parallel investigations for the urban growth of the world's cities. It is a must to have a look in a library or the best to have it in your own library!
At the turn of the twenty-first century, the world is faced with an unprecedented challenge. It must address a fundamental shift in the world's population towards the cities, and away from mankind's rural roots. Today, for the first time in history, more than half of the global population resides in urban areas - a number likely to reach a staggering 75 per cent by 2050. The Endless City: The Urban Age Project by the London School of Economics and Deutsche Bank’s Alfred Herrhausen Society is an unparalleled investigation into the world’s urban future. Taking six major world cities as its focal point, the book examines the key social, structural and economic factors that are critical to creating a thriving modern city. Authoritatively edited by Ricky Burdett and Deyan Sudjic, with essays by internationally renowned contributors from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds, The Endless City presents a pioneering initiative on the future of cities.
website: http://www.phaidon.com/endlesscity/
09 Kasım, 2008
Paris Photo 2008

From November 13 to 16, 2008, Paris Photo, the world’s leading fair for
19th century, modern and contemporary photography, will bring
together 107 exhibitors (86 galleries + 21 publishers) from 19 countries
at the Carrousel du Louvre.
Spotlight on Japan : an exceptional overview of Japanese photography
For the first time, Paris Photo is looking towards the Far East and inviting Japan as its guest of
honour. This coincides with growing international interest in Japanese photography. Photography
has been one of the most intense and major areas of Japanese culture since it was first introduced in
the country in 1848, towards the end of the Edo Period.
website: http://www.parisphoto.fr/?lg=en#
04 Kasım, 2008
Are you interested in young and interesting magazines about art, architecture and culture?
About Yvi Magazine
Although the current issue is published i could get the first one called "Borders". Deals with the visible, invisible territory divisions, artistic visualizations of the situations on the locations. The second and the recent issue is "Consumption" as they wrote in their website works with the observation of consumerism
Yvi Magazine is a new English-language art magazine published in the Netherlands. Each issue of Yvi Magazine focuses on a central (social) theme seen from the perspective of art. A wide range of artistic visions on a pertinent social theme are brought together in the form of photography, design, architecture and visual art. Yvi Magazine is published twice a year. Yvi Magazine is published and designed by KSMT, a young design and publish agency residencing in The Hague, The Netherlands.
website: http://www.yvimag.com/index.php?page=home
The issue touches to London Design Festival, Architecture without Buildings, and gives news about the Venice Biennial. But I have to say the most impressive thing is the cover photograph of the magazine in this issue from Peter Guenzel.
Icon is one of the world's finest architecture and design magazines since 2003. Every month there is an interview the most exciting architects and designers, visit the best new buildings, analyse the most interesting new cultural movements and technologies, and review an eclectic range of exhibitions, books, products and films.
website: http://www.iconeye.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=1&layout=news&Itemid=18
26 Ekim, 2008
Catalogue Archilab Europe Strategic Architecture
Ares International Competition for Renewable Energy Sources & Bioclimatic Architecture for Shells to shelter People affected by Natural Disasters 2007

By Demet Mutman and Alexandre Mussche
Special Mention Award
The main concept of the project is to create a “PLUG IN HOSTEL”. The aim is to create minimum cost and maximum sustainable shelter units within the livable urban regions within the city by relocating the victims of the disaster. By forming a system of mapping the destruction zones within the urban area, the project team targets framing the relocation spaces and relocating the disaster victims to not destructed or slightly effected urban areas. The idea of relocation of the victims from their previous destructed urban areas to the still livable safe zones within the city is based on the social and economic sustainablity concepts. By relocating the victims for a limited period of time and increasing the density of safe urban zones in the city for sheltering those people at, provides the project to connect and use the primary infrastructure of the city main and not building new, temporary infrastructures for the new developed settlements. On the other hand this kind of approach would take into consideration of the social backgrounds of the victims by not pushing them away from the community and social life but integrating them again with life in the urban centers in the case of social and cultural sustainability.
The main actors of collaboration for the project are the internal affairs ministry, institute for emergency aid for crisis, community centers of the city and the local inhabitants to provide hostels to the victims. Since the concept starts with the idea of hostel and to host, the collaboration and special agreement contracts would be created by the previously mentioned organizational actors. This kind of aggreements targets to organize the relationship between the host and the hostel by developing the plug in shelters and framing the functionality of the unit.
with the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and German Study Center Venice
On the occasion of the opening of the 52nd International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation presented three artistic projects, one of them „Mostar 2007“, as strategies for urban development under the motto “Bauhaus ArtInterventions”. The projects have been discussed with Mrs.Ute Meta Bauer, Director and Associate Professor, MIT Visual Arts Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Mr.Okwui Enwezor, Dean of Academic Affairs and Senior Vice President, San Francisco Art Institute, Mr.Veselin Gatalo and Mr.Nino Raspudic, Urban Movement Mostar.
The presentation of the project aimed to introduce several temporary artistic interventions created and developed by the project team and activated on ground by the help of a local organization for showing the possible leading effects of the temporary art interventions as a tool for a sustainable urban planning approach which takes local aspects as well as glabal issues into its account for a further step. Mostar 2007 in this manner defines a unique example of an intervention which aims to heal a divided city after an ethnic war by using a neutral transformation catalyst.
Archilab Europe Strategic Architecture

The 2008 edition explores the mutations of Europe brought about by spatial planning, illustrating the scope of the European Union’s contribution to the fields of urbanism and architecture. Archilab Europe showcases the projects and programs implemented by the European Union to foster and support trans-regional and trans-border spatial planning. Omar Akbar, director of the Bauhaus-Dessau Foundation (Germany) is curator of the exhibition, which will take place between 24 October and 23 December 2008. Thus, Orleans finds itself at the center of a unique panoramic view of current European trends in architectural creation and spatial planning.
The subtitle “strategic architecture” is significant. What projects and programs are being implemented today in Europe and who are the architects involved in this dynamic? What weight is given to creation and innovation? Has Europe adopted a forward-looking approach to urbanism and quality of life issues? How are the digital revolution and new virtual communities being integrated? How do architectural programs take into account opportunities of a global society in the development of micro-systems on the local scale? Will new urban spatial organizations emerge from the transformation of the activities and modes of communication of Europe’s citizens? ArchiLab offers visitors a unique opportunity to develop an opinion on this territory in deep reconfiguration of Europe. The concept of strategic architecture proposed by Omar Akbar, neither observation nor protest, seeks to foster critical, open and plural debate, anchored in the social, political, economic, geographic and cultural issues daily affecting our ways of living.
"Archilab Europe - Strategic Architecture" aims to present the decisive and strategic role of architecture and planning interventions as a tool for the development of cities and regions, and show the links with funding structures within the European Community. The exhibition will highlight in particular how architecture and strategic plans of action may be linked up with one another. In doing so, the exhibition poses the question of whether, given this context, Europe may be viewed as a testing ground for new approaches to architecture or planning. Do these “strategic architectures” stimulate and promote innovative development and dynamics in the cities and regions?
website: http://www.archilab.org/index.html