15 Aralık, 2009
Cameron Sinclair and Open Source Architecture
He is the founder of Architecture for Humanity and this community is focusing into local chapters and local problems. One of the supported projects was Skateistan in Kabul as you would remember from the previous postings in this Blog. It is always good to know that there is no border in what we can really do all over.
10 Aralık, 2009
03 Aralık, 2009
Jose Abreu on kids transformed by music
09 Eylül, 2009
insanlari servis adi altinda bir kamyonet kasasinda tasitmak
yasananlar, gorulenler her gecen sefer yenileri ogretiyor
olaganustu bir durumda acil durum bolgesini belirlemek ve arama, kurtarma, acil ulasim ve guvenlik araclari disinda bolgeye ulasimi kapatma kararini vermek o kadar mi zor?
daha isin en basinda insanlara secimler icin degil de egitim icin acil durum hareket rotalari ve yapilmasi gerekenler ile ilgili dosyalar, kitapciklar, cd'ler dagitmak. zorunlu egitimler, gezici egitmen gruplari ile seminerler duzenlemek cok mu zor?
kentlesme esnasinda yerlesim bolgeleri arasinda, bosluklar yaratip doganin dengesini daha fazla yipratmadan planlama yapmak, bu yaptirimi kimsenin cebini dusunmeden uygulamak, bu bilinci uygulamak cok mu zor?
altyapisi, yapilasma ve planlamasi, egitimi ve saglik problemleri gelismislik seviyesinin en alt siralarini zorlayan bir "kent"te yasadigimizi bilmek, buna karsi calismak, ses duyurmak, bilincli karar veren politikacilar olmak, karar veren ve verdiren merciler olarak saglikli bir kent gelecegine dogru adim atmak o kadar mi zor???
20 Ağustos, 2009
15 Haziran, 2009
10 Haziran, 2009
31 Mayıs, 2009
possibilities of activites and the recent case of Skateistan

within the above youtube link, you will get introduced to Skateistan. this is the issue of changing the urban environment and the daily traumas with the help of a neutral activity. this issue is an issue of humanity definitely. This is design/game/architecture/social behavior/ culture and networking.
We as a team tried to develop a triathlon project in the city of Mostar 2 years before. the recent realisation was a tryout triathlon via artists from a local center. Some of you may remember my beginning links and texts about the Mostar Triathlon. Unfortunately sponsorship did not work out so effectively until today and still political unstability as well as hard to solve details about implementation kept this project as a conceptual work and a tryout via art.
thus I congratulate Skateistan and all the people for this initiative who took responsibility and courage. they are having an ongoing costruction currently and aim to finish up the park in the end of this year. great!
All the neutral activities within post crisis locations and minds...
for more information about SKATEISTAN and their recent supporters Architecture for Humanity here are the links:
I received an invitation

J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à la soutenance de mon diplôme le Mercredi 3 juin 2008 à l'Ensci. La présentation commence à 9h et se déroulera sur la matinée :
- Book (série de projets réalisés depuis 2003)
- Images de la frontière linguistique (mémoire de fin d'étude) : histoire de la façon dont à été imagée la géographie des langues en Belgique accompagné d'une série d'expérimentations cartographiques (sous la direction de Marie-Haude Caraës). Expérimentations cartographiques et mémoire visibles sur http://frontiere.wordpress.com
- Micro-radio (projet de diplôme): en s'appuyant sur les usages des récepteurs radio, le projet expérimente sur le territoire, des services de diffusion de contenu sonore à l'échelle micro-locale (sous la direction de Jun Yasumoto).
18 Mayıs, 2009
Europe on map!
however people forget about the history, and the movements within the history while shaping Europe all the time. this given name had all the time in a shift and cannot really defined with a given policy of today. union is a matter of collaboration as long as, the products in return makes the defined territory part of the global network.
so lets have a look at the Europe from 2008.

The regional policy of the European Union targets the cohesion of the whole area, motivated by the disparities between the 27 member countries and their 268 regions. It has three main objectives – convergence, regional competitiveness and employment – within the European Territorial Co-operation Objective. This focuses on cross-border co-operation through joint local and regional initiatives and interregional collaborations. The structural funds and instruments, which support the main objectives of this regional policy, are the European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF), the European Structural Funds (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund. The European Territorial Co-operation Objective is based on the community initiative INTERREG (Inter Regional). It focuses on various priorities, from transport, tourism and culture, spatial planning and urban issues to employment, the information society, and peace. Under this wide-ranging regional policy, INTERREG (in the name of regional development and cohesion) promotes various types of collaboration projects between the European regions and EU member regions and border states. These aim to bring economic, social and environmental developments and improvements to the entire EU. The INTERREG programme is part of the European Spatial Development programme and was the key tool for the application of the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), adopted in 1999.

The URBAN community initiative was developed, within the regional
policy remit for urban issues, as an instrument operating within
the cohesion policy. It is dedicated to the regeneration of urban areas
and crisis areas. The URBAN initiative demands a high degree of involvement
on the local level.

After the EU enlargement in 2007, about 70 major cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants dominate the European urban system. About 20 percent of the EU population in 27 member states live in these cities. This shows that European cities have diverse potentials, and the “mega” cities (or “metropolitan growth areas”) represent potentials and capabilities across the EU within the current geographical context. Among them, the cities of Paris and London are considered the global nodes of the European Union. They are the EU’s main global protagonists, due to their economic, social, and cultural capacities.

The overlap between metropolitan growth regions and population decline clearly demonstrates the shift in migration, skills, knowledge and economic strength towards the European engines, the strong metropolitan growth regions and towards the locations of the European Union considered to have the most potential. As a result, one may note
a centralised Europe in terms of population and production and the contrasting peripheral conditions within the whole.

The Trans-European Networks for Transportation (TEN) obviously concentrate on the European Union’s main cities and regions. The map also underlines the importance of several injection points in order to create more nodes and better connectivity. This improvement of the infrastructure will provide the basis for stronger cohesion in the future. By implementing the transportation priorities in the EU territory, the potentials of the megas will also be increased.

The main commercial ports in the European Union are economically important gateways. However, the current overlap in the regions and cities, with due regard to their potential as metropolitan growth areas, is important. In general, it may be noted that the many potential and strong “mega” cities are in zones that include harbour areas, especially in the west, northwest and southwest regions of the EU. By contrast, there is a lack of commercial ports and economic power around the acceding EU nation states in southeast Europe.
Source: All the maps and the definitions are made by the author Demet Mutman and previews are taken directly from the final catalogue of The Archilab Europe Strategic Architecture 2008.
13 Mayıs, 2009
a new blog for exchanging information about urban age award istanbul 2009!
11 Mayıs, 2009
Becoming Istanbul

16. May 2009 - 30. June 2009
DAZ Taut Saal
OPENING 15.05.2009
18 PM Short Lectures, DAZ_Taut Saal
Opening speech: S.E. Ahmet Acet, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey
Lecture by Pelin Dervis, Director Garanti Gallery, Istanbul.
Followed by short-lectures of the architects from the exhibition ‘7 Architects from 7 Hills’, presented by Dr. Suha Ozkan.
Speakers: Emre Arolat, Can Cinici, Mehmet Kutukcuoglu & Ertug Ucar Teget Architectural Office), Sevki Pekin, Nevzat Sayin, Murat & Melkan Tabanlioglu Tabanlioglu Architects), Han Tumertekin.
20 PM Opening of the exhibition
Ingeborg Junge-Reyer, Mayor of Berlin and Senator for Urban Development
Mustafa Pulat, Consul General of the Republic of Turkey
Ute Weiland, Deputy Director of Alfred Herrhausen Society
Pelin Dervis, Curator of the exhibition ‚Becoming Istanbul‘, Director Garanti Gallery, Istanbul
Dr. Suha Ozkan, Curator of the exhibition ‚7 Architects from 7 Hills‘, Chairman World Architecture Community
This exhibition does not describe Istanbul. Neither does it depict its history, its contemporary architectural environment which is gradually becoming more animated and productive, its complex social and economic structure or its becoming the focus of a popular culture of almost unparalleled richness. The exhibition is prepared with the purpose of visualizing Istanbul’s present state.
It consists of an interactive audiovisual database on contemporary Istanbul and a 16 - minute complementary film titled ‘Mapping Istanbul’. Both attempts to look at Istanbul from multiple perspectives and free of all the familiar clichés. In doing this, the database, instead of producing and placing new stereotypes opposite those clichés, forms its own structure by instrumentalizing the clichés themselves. Media accessed through includes works by artists, architectural projects, videos, photographs, cartoons and essays. Users accessing these works produced in the last 10 years will have the chance to perceive the conditions and actors forming today’s Istanbul. There are 408 visual groups under the 80 sub-headings featured on the database. More than 7000 visuals were accumulated for the project. ‘Mapping Istanbul’ constitutes an important source supporting the understanding of the city and the contemporary view the exhibition presented, at times completely overturning cliché judgments.
Becoming Istanbul
Istanbul was not always Istanbul. It has been Byzantium, Constantinopolis, in the mid-Byzantine period it was simply Polis, in the Ottoman period it was Kostantiniyye, Ýslambol and Dersaadet, and many other things; but it was never only Istanbul. Each toponymic change is a manifestation of radical differentiation in the urban space and a change in its social meaning. From the beginning of the 19th century on, the traditional cosmopolitanism, the plurality of which was formed from the sum of a series of fixed singularities, faced erosion. Although ideological engagements pointed in the opposite direction, the new cosmopolitanism of the city was slowly being constructed in place of the crumbling traditional politanism. The city of fixed communities and statuses, where inflow and outflow was strictly controlled now set out to become a city shaped by the countless parameters of individualities, preferences, expressions, interests, groupings and separations. The city obtained the pluralism of a metropolis. It became an environment of “spontaneous freedom” where the oppression of recurrent totalitarian orientations has collided with the common pluralism of the metropolis. This characteristic of the city is becoming increasingly evident. The ironic aspect of the process is how this modern metropolis singularized its name although it opened itself up to the outward expression of pluralities. Today, for everyone, it is only Istanbul. During the phase of homogenization, which began in the 1920s and the phase of becoming plural, pluralist and cosmopolitan which began in the 1980s, the city forgot its countless old names. It generalized the name Istanbul, which was least political, least religious and least ethnical among the names in use. It became Istanbul. It became a category where countless existences and meanings could be produced and placed under a single name, yet could never be filled. This is exactly what the title of the exhibition is pointing to. These countless existences and meanings are presented to the viewer and the reader in a plural milieu.
BECOMING ISTANBUL is a project of Garanti Gallery originally realized for the German Architecture Museum (DAM Frankfurt) and is curated by Pelin Dervis, Bülent Tanju and Ugur Tanyeli. The exhibition at DAZ is supported by the Alfred Herrhausen Society, the international Forum of Deutsche Bank.It takes place within the 20th anniversary of the city partnership Berlin-Istanbul and is under the patronage of the Mayor of Berlin and Senator for Urban Development, Ingeborg Junge-Reyer.
More Information about
Deutsches Architekturmuseum
Alfred Herrhausen Society
Berlin-Istanbul 2009
WEBSITE: http://wwx.baunetz.de/sixcms_4/sixcms/detail.php?object_id=29&area_id=2816&id=1521463&template_id=10186
Urban Age Award Istanbul - Please contact me if you have any project information-
Son zamanlarda Urban Age Odulunun duyurulmasi icin calisiyorum kesintisiz. Eger konuyla ilgili bir proje biliyorsaniz veya yapilan calismalardan haberiniz var ise lutfen benimle iletisime gecin. Cok yakinda tum juri uyelerimizi de duyacaksiniz!
27 Nisan, 2009
Geçtiğimiz haftalarda basında çıkan haberlerde de duymus olabileceğiniz üzere bu sene 4-6 Kasım tarihleri arasında, Urban Age İstanbul Konferansı ve Urban Age Award, Deutsche Bank Alfred Herrhausen Society ve London School of Economics and Political Science işbirliği ile dünya kentlerinin geleceğini konu alan arastırmaların yürütüldüğü Urban Age Projesi kapsamında gerçekleştiriliyor.
100.000 $ tutarındaki “Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award’’(Ödül), kentlerde yasayan dünya nüfusunun yarısının karşı karşıya kaldığı problemlerin farkedilmesi ve yaratıcı çözümlerin desteklenmesi amacıyla veriliyor. Bu nedenle ödül, bölge sakinlerinin gündelik hayatlarını kolaylaştıran ve yaşam çevresini iyileştiren projeleri gün ışığına çıkarmayı hedefliyor. “Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award” kentlileri, yerel yönetimleri, özel sektör ve sivil toplum örgütlerini biraraya getiriyor ve ‘’Kentleşme Çağı’’olan 21. yüzyılda toplumu, yaşadıkları şehirlerde aktif rol üstlenmelerini ve ortak sorumluluk almalarını teşvik ediyor.
Bu anlamda ödül tamamen sivil toplum girişimlerine yönelik. Toplumun kendi kendisine çözüm üretebilme, bir araya gelerek yasadıkları ortamlarda yaptıkları güzelleştirme, iyileştirme çalışma ve çabalarına bir karşılık vermeyi hedefliyor. Bu anlamda örneğin bir mahalle örgütünün, sokakları güzelleştirme adına yapmakta olduğu çalışmalar, veya çocukların gelişimine yönelik tamamen sivil katılım ile oluşturulmus park ve oyun alanları ve benzeri çalışmalar ödüle başvuru gönderebiliyor. Bu yarışma kesinlikle kentsel dönüşüm, mimari veya şehir planlama projelerini taçlandırmayı hedeflemiyor. Aksine ödül katılımın, demokratik toplumlardaki önemi üzerinde duruyor. Bireyler toplum ve topluluk bilinci ile hareket ederek gerçekleştirdikleri çalışmaları ile ödüle hak kazanıyor. Bu nedenle Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award'un oldukça önemli olduğu kanısındayız.
Alfred Herrhausen Society Direktörü Wolfgang Nowak, Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award misyonunu “Bir kenti yönetmek, farklılıkları idare edebilmektir. Deutsche Bank Urban Age Award bireylerin farklılıkları aşıp, birlikte hareket ederek kendi yaşadıkları kentler için sorumluluk almalarını teşvik etmektedir.” diye açıkliyor.
http://www.alfred-herrhausen-gesellschaft.de/en/637.html (2008 Urban Age Award Sao Paulo kazanan proje)
Eğer çevrenizde bu tür yapılan çalışma, uygulanan projeler var ise, üyesi olduğunuz sivil toplum kuruluşu bu kapsamda uygulamalara imza atıyor ise, toplum içi katılım sayesinde yürütülen ve toplumsal ve mekansal geri dönüşümü sağlanmis projeler biliyorsanız lütfen bizimle bağlantıya geçiniz.
Yarışma için başvurularınızı 11 Eylül tarihine kadar gönderebilir, başvuru ve detaylı bilgileri yukarıdaki linklerden alabilirsiniz.
08 Mart, 2009
Kültür Sanat
En çok konuştuklarımız en az yazılanlar.
Başta hava..
Psikolojide, havanın bizi nasıl etkilediğine ilişkin araştırmalar bildiğim kadarıyla yok. Güneşli, yağmurlu günlerde ruh halimizin değişkenliği sıradan konuşmalarımızdan öteye gitmez. İklimlerin türümüzün evriminden de öte davranışlarımıza, toplum yapısına etkisi yeni yeni ele alınıyor. Oysa, nice uygarlığın varoluş biçimi, tarihe yön veren kimi
savaşların sonuçları, iklimle de ilgili.
Anne babaların çoçuklarından söz ederken, çocuğumuz yerine, çocuğum demeleri gibi, kendimizle o denli meşguluz ki gözümüz görmüyor benden, bizden ötesini.
Kadınlar erkeklerden nasıl farklı?
Soruş tarzım erkek egemen dünyanın ifadesi. “Erkekler kadınlardan nasıl farklı?” diye sormak, aklımızdan pek geçmez.
Şaşılacak bir şey değil.
Bugün dünya kültürüne egemen Ortadoğu dinlerinin kutsal kitaplarında, tanrı önce
erkeği yaratmış, sonra da, yalnız kalmasın diye kemiğinden parça kopartığı kadını.
Kadın olmak zor.
Türkiye kadına oy verme hakkını başka bir çok ülkeden önce tanıdı. Ama oylarımızla seçtiğimiz yasalarımızı yapmakla görevlendirdiğimiz mebuslardan, `Kaç çocuğunuz var?’ diye sorulduğunda, kız çocuklarını saymayacakları halde, nasıl giyinmeleri konusunda insan hakları adına fetva verenler, zinayı suç saymak isteyen başbakanlar yok mu? Başlık parası ödeyecek gücü olmayan yoksullar Hindistan’da kız çocuklarını öldürüyor. Kuzey Afrika’da, kültüre sahip çıkmak adına haz alma uzuvları duyarsızlaştırılan kızlar sünnet ediliyor. İleri demokrasilerde bile fuhuşa zorlanan kadınlar köleleştiriliyor. Birden fazla çocuk sahibi olmanın yasak olduğu Çin’de de istenmeyen kız çocukları kürtajla alınıyor. Bu ülkenin nüfusunda kadın erkek oranı o denli sarsıldı ki, alışılagelmiş toplum yapısını tehdit eden on milyonlarca kadınsız erkek türümüzün tarihinde bir ilk.
Gene de, 20. yüzyıldan itibaren sosyalist ülkelerin öncülüğünde, kadınların yasalar önünde, erkeklerle eşit haklara sahip olmaları konusunda atılan adımlar bir çok ülkede gündelik yaşantı-mızın artık sorgulanmayan parçası. 8 Mart Dünya Kadınlar Günü hem nereden nereye gelindiğinin ifadesi hem de süregelen eşitsizliğin.
Ancak eşitlikle farklılık birbirlerini dıştalamamalı.
Kimi çevrelerde eşitlik kavramı, kadın erkek farklarını, kadını kadın, erkeği erkek yapan psikolojik özellikleri incelememizi tabulaştır-mak pahasına putlaştırıldı... Beylik konuşmala- rımıza konu olan erkek ve kadın psikolojileri üzerine kitaplar çoktan yazılmış olmalıydı. Kız çocuğumuz olmadığında hayıflanmıştım kadınları daha iyi tanıyabilme şansımı yitirdim diye. Birbirimizi tanıyacağımıza bireysel ilşjkilerimiz-de saç yoldurtuyor, terapistlere taşınıyor, hem cinsimizle yan yana geldiğimizde, yapay bir samimiyetin dayanışmasıyla, cehaletimizi yansı-tan fıkralarla, genellemelerle cepheleşiyoruz.
Kadınlar daldan dala atlar, erkekler sebatlıdır değil mi?
Araştırmalar kadın beynindeki iki yarım küre arasındaki bağlantıların, erkeklere göre daha yoğun olduğunu, bu nedenle, erkeklerin tek bir faaliyete odaklanırken, kadınların aynı zamanda birden çok şeyi yapabildiğini gösteriyor.
Aramızdaki farkları, türümüzü zenginleştiren, bizi bütünleştiren öğeler olarak görmek
yerine, kadın erkek eşitliğini dogma yaptığımızdan, gözlemlerimizi, düşüncelerimizi, duygularımızı sansürlemeyi tercih ediyoruz.
Demet Mutman
27 Şubat, 2009
brainstorming for the city of istanbul

the turkish newspaper "radikal" on 21st february published a series of interview with artists, architects, planners, caricaturists, designers, and journalists. The interview consisted 4 questions in total. Who do you think will be the new mayor of istanbul? who you would like to see as the mayor of istanbul? if you would have the chance to choose 5 names, who would you select for developing an advisory council for the municipality and why? can you give any projects for the city of istanbul?
the newspaper asked the basic questions when no one can answer them during the campaigns for istanbul. Unfortunately none of the candidates are capable of giving a self critic for the positives and negatives of the city, and none of them are giving a speech for how do they see the future of the city. the citizens are tired of listening the daily chaos of the elections, parties, debates, accusations, new trials, new cases and etc. that's why i appreciate the work of the radikal newspaper and translate to here just some very catchy answers for you all to discuss and dream for even more...
here the selection of names and the answers below:
Gorgun Taner (IKSV general director)
3. Murat Belge, Melih Fereli, Akin Ongor, Kemal Dervis, Han Tumertekin. I chose these people out of the names who has the vision to develop the future 20 years of Istanbul, knows how to protect the cultural heritage and sustain them for the future.
4. To transform the galataport area for the culture and art valley and open it for the public use.
Halil Ergun (Actor)
3. As served to municipalities before I should tell that this job is very hard. But the best person to do it would be the person who lives in the city. The advisory board should be from the locals in my opinion, the true wisdom comes from the locals/inhabitants.
4. In Istanbul there are too many empty plots. Before the construction cannibals fill in the spaces, they should be organized as culture and art facility areas. They should be open to the public, and by participation the cultural activities should be taking places at. In cities the barbarian living styles should not find any place and Istanbul should be a city of culture and art.
Tan Morgul (Former editor of Istanbul Journal, journalist)
2. Since they say “Istanbul is a world (wide) city” then the most important player means the mayor can easily be import from abroad. I think this should be… My suggestion is starting from Brasil and today globally known figure the former mayor to implement participatory-transparent-democratic model in Porto Alegre, Tarso Genro. The reasons are clear, firstly he is a real local governor, neither a businessman or transferred from the parliament. He is out of the desadvantages of being from here as well as he has many advantages of not being from here. He wouldn’t have any relations with either the political or economical rates. Already, due to his governing structure, the decision making mechanism would be all the time the public, the job he needs to do is only to easier the system/procedure. It would be what needs to be done.
3. Another smart example continues with Cordoba, Spain. Over years the council who implements and governs the city’s water system, including political party representatives, organizations, academicians and ngo councils, with no municipal authority to take part and this council should be the practical advisory council. Tardo Genro is already aware of the system too. On the other hand there should be an ethical council. These people should represent both the city and the citizens as well as the testing council of the governing figures. They should be “old minded” since when the subject is the city those old minded society are much effective in teaching to those “new minded”onesin terms of conscious, ethics, and digestion. For example Ilhan Tekeli, Ugur Tanyeli, Murat Belge, Aydin Boysan, Haluk Gercek, etc. But there should be more and they should be changeable and this council should have no right to be dismissed.
4. I can say not one but more, and even if someone is curious I can give details.
a. At the bosphorus a horizontal, and at the bosphorus waterfronts should be integrated into transportation system vertically.first one is sea transportation and the second one is rail trasnporation. From Eminonu to Sariyer, From Kadikoy to Beykoz the sea transportation should be possible. From the main node ports towards the inner city locations the transportation should be done via metro systems. Even exacurated at the waterfront traffic, there should be a private car limitation. To talk about a third bridge over the bostphorus should be prohibited.
b. a special attention and projection should be given on our “short temper” which converts the city to a clicking bomb. Especially the public spaces such as public transportation, city squares and etc. there should be publicly watched or listened funny/comic projects presented in order to absorb the anger of the society. The Arzu Film tradition, “Hababam Sinifi” or “Neseli Gunler” should be screened at all the public transportation vehicles. Streets should become safer and accessible for elderly generation, kids, women, animals and all the others. It is sure that with all those people who are the thresholds of our tolerance and resistance, we would much become a human being. Otherwise it is clear how we now do look like whilst being alone with ourselves as adults.
c. An international public university in the fields of “city governance”should be developed for undergraduate and graduate studies at the Halic Shipyards location. From all over the world the examples of “local governance” should be collected, to be thought and learned. This would lead the shipyard location to be upgrade, so as the upgraded would upgrade. Since the future will become the world of cities, it is better off to the subject from now. All the rights are open to public and any local governor can use them unless making a rate out of it.
Bihter Ayda Pekin (Jewellery Designer)
3. First names that I can imagine are Ilber Ortayli, Burhan Dogancay, Murat Belge, Betul Mardin,. Cetin Altan, Oktay Ekinci because they proved how much they concern.
4. Implementation of the current Istanbul Master Plan should be done and for controlling the implementation if needed some teams could be transformed, and the current departments should be strengthened. There should be limitations for the advertisement panels. Sea transportation should be state owned again and the planning should be redone. The transportation within the bosphorus should be limited at the both sides on the highways that are on hold with a lot of buses and instead should be mostly done via sea route. The symbols of the bosphorus the “vapur”s should not be diminished. The classes for some few private schools about the environmental conscious should be a must in all the primary schools. Recycling tanks for especially liquid oil, batteries and all the recyclables should be fixed at houses or businesses. Bicycle/motorcycle routes should be implemented.
Erhan Demirdizen (Urban Planner, Istanbul Chamber of Urban Planners Director)
1. Still there are 40 days nearly for the elections and I don’t know how the candidates will use this period, but it looks like unfortunately the results of the elections will not have a close relationship between the Istanbul’s problems and the quality of solution proposals of the candidates, this is pity. The discussions unfortunately overlays this. In this manner I cannot make an objective critic currently.
2. The transportation and the economic problems of Istanbul grow rapidly. We should also add the earthquake and unplanned developments to those. All these problems as a whole should be studied within a correct urban planning approach, without using or loosing the natural or governmental reserves by the Istanbul metropolitan municipality. While doing this unnecessary rapid movements should be far away since they have the capacity to decrease the quality of the already done work. Thus, besides looking at Istanbul’s problems from a distance, the mayor should have the characteristics of asking and proposing solutions with the experts. As a mayor, it is very important to bring the municipality into an institutionalized position. This is the mayor I would like to have.
So who can say we as citizens are not related to the city and not concerned about the problems or not thinking or creating solutions as where all the local power starts. Today, Istanbul is facing a historical moment I believe, due to the elections at the door, but moreover due to its athmosphere that opened up the doors of discussions democratically. Personally I dont expect a change in the voting polls but I do expect more respect, more open platforms for THE citizens and a better debates, where participation takes more place in decision making and where todays utopic seen projects could create a base on the table fr a future of Istanbul.
20 Şubat, 2009
what comes next for the city of Istanbul?
06 Şubat, 2009
SummerSchool "Mapping Urban Space - Alternative Strategies for Emergent Urban Forms"

Finland: August 10th - 22nd, 2009
The Centre for Urban and Regional Studies (YTK) at the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) is hosting the fifteenth YTK/IFHP Urban Planning and Design Summer School in Finland in August 2009.
The Summer School will be organised in close cooperation with the cities of Turku and Jyväskylä, where the active field work of the course will take place.
The first days of the course will be spent in
the Helsinki region. This part of the course consists of lectures and excursions.
The core of the Summer School is the following ten days of workshops taking place in the partner cities.
The field work is based on actual town planning tasks. Participants will be assigned to analyse
the existing conditions of planning areas and to suggest innovative and realistic improvements to the environments.
This year's theme will be "Mapping Urban Space - Alternative Strategies for Emergent Urban Forms". The course will concentrate on one hand on alternative mapping of urban resources and on the other hand on alternative planning instruments. The lectures as well as the given projects will reflect the theme. Summer School also provides the participants with an opportunity to publish their writings in an official publication. The annual publication includes articles and essays written by the participants as well as summaries of the projects produced in the workshops.
The YTK/IFHP Summer School entitles participants five ECTS study credits.
This announcement is an invitation for applying to the YTK/IFHP Urban Planning and Design Summer School 2009 in Finland. It is addressed to students at all levels of studies, and young professionals, from all disciplines related to physical planning. We look forward to receiving applications, among others, from urban planners, architects, sociologists and geographers!
The course will be held 10-22 August 2009 and the application period will end at the end of March 2009. An electronic application form and further information on the course can be found on our website: http://ytksummerschool.tkk.fi
22 Ocak, 2009
Bauhaus city – Get on site!

International Summerschool within the framework of the Kolleg “Cities of tomorrow – CIAM Urbanism”
July – August.2009
To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Bauhaus, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation invites students from all over the world to participate in an international workshop which, under the motto “Bauhaus city – Get on site!”, will focus on the buildings of classical Modernism in Dessau. The Bauhaus buildings in Dessau traverse the town like a “golden thread”, which begins in the south with the experimental housing estate in Törten and ends in the north with the Kornhaus, a venue for day-trippers on the Elbe. As such, the Bauhaus buildings are remarkable representatives of a radical process of modernisation in the city during the first decades of the 20th century. After a long period of neglect, this modern legacy returned to the centre of public attention, hand in hand with the city’s structural transformation brought on by Germany’s reunification post- 1990: Many Bauhaus buildings were renovated in line with the precepts of monument protection and opened to the public. Dessau aims to attract tourists as the “Bauhaus City in the Garden Realm”; yet the slogan is also relevant to Dessau’s structural transformation into a service city. Nevertheless, the “Bauhaus City” is still controversial: the search for a new self-understanding fluctuates between internal contradictions and external expectations. The Foundation invites young artists, architects, urban planners and designers from all over the world to explore this field of tension in a creative way and to contribute in doing so to a redefinition of the relation between Dessau-Roßlau and the Bauhaus. The summer school will focus on the following places and topics: Törten – “Housing experiment: A little happiness in the big plan”, the Masters’ Houses – “Theme in variations: The modern home”, the Employment Office – “Modern institutions and municipal public relations: A laboratory test”, along with the Kornhaus – “Modern escapes”. These themes will be explored at the respective sites, employing a wide range of approaches as well as different formats and media. The workshops will be accompanied by a series of public lectures. The following institutions have been invited to become partners of the summerschool: AA London, ETH Zürich, School of Architecture Liverpool, NUS Singapur, Dessau Institute of Architecture.
website: http://www.bauhaus-dessau.de/index.php?Bauhaus-city-Get-on-site-5
Archis interventions

After NATO-led KFOR troops ended civil war in Kosovo (1999), an instant building boom changed the capital Prishtina dramatically. Within a few years its population doubled, partly as a consequence of an influx of returning refugees. Local investors profited, creating quick returns on ‘hit and run’ projects. On the fringes of the city ‘maverick urbanism’ had a different face: family clans invested family capital in large houses, built on farmland. The result was a random spread and development of the city, causing serious functional and structural problems for the future.
Prishtina is Everywhere describes, maps and analyzes the situation in Prishtina after 1999, documents problem-solving strategies, and discusses the significance of this kind of urban development for the way urban life evolves in crisis zones. The title hints at two phenomena: firstly, urban development of this type is typical for many post-conflict situations, and secondly, most of the construction in Prishtina has been financed by remittances from family members working abroad (one-fifth of Kosovo’s entire population lives abroad, specifically in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria).
This is the first of a series of investigations of urban development in post-conflict areas, initiated by Archis Interventions.
With contributions of Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss, Caroline Arnulf, Thilo Fuchs, Wilfried Hackenbroich, Irmgard Zerr, Florina Jerliu, Visar Geci, Ilir Gjinolli, Lilet Breddels, Arjen Oosterman।
224 p., 17×24 cm, 96 pages in color. Design Heimann und Schwantes, printed in Germany.
The English edition is published by Archis Publishers, Amsterdam: 978-90-77966-50-1
The German edition appears at Parthas Verlag, Berlin, 978-3-86601-904-1
website: http://www.archis.org/archis/2008/10/07/prishtina-is-everywhere/